Why is Amina smiling?


Thank you to everyone who has already donated to our Times Christmas Appeal, which has so far raised an amazing £85,434. We're delighted that people took the time to read the ten articles about our work and that our work has resonated with so many.

 Here is the latest story featured in the Appeal: 
Amina has a new lease of like, thanks to her Re~Cycle bike


Amina Kasuim became a slave when she was ten. She was sent to work for her uncle's family farming, cooking and cleaning for them all day, every day, until she got married. As she stood in her uncle's fields hoeing, watering and weeding the crops she would watch enviously as local boys came along on their bikes. Amina always wanted a bike of her own but being a girl in rural Ghana meant this was disapproved of.
After four children and at age 54 she at last has her own bike and learnt how to ride and maintain it thanks to our project partners the Village Bicycle Project in Ghana. She said: "It was difficult but I made up my mind that I really wanted to learn" Amina explained that she often missed social occasions because she couldn't afford the bus fare but now she would be able to attend. 


Online and telephone donations for The Times appeal have now closed but you can still make a donation via our website.









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