Bicycle Themed Gift or Present for Bike Rider or Cycle Enthusiast Road Mountain or BMX we've got it all. Great for Birthdays and Easter Valentines or Christmas.



Everything is carefully handmade to order, we try to bring you affordable and fun jewellery and accessories for you to treasure or to give as an exciting and appreciated gift. 







Bicycle Themed Gift or Present for Bike Rider or Cycle Enthusiast Road Mountain or BMX we've got it all.  Great for Birthdays and Easter, Valentines or Christmas.


Handmade & Made to Order


What's It All About? 

We are based in the UK and devoted to cycling in all weathers. This site is an extension of our love of cycling, and is our contribution to the global cycling phenomenon! It's important to share the benefits and joys of owning a bike, which is why we are committed to giving at least 10% of our profits to Re-Cycle.  







Awesome Bike Gifts



ENDURANCE CARDIO MIGHT MAKE YOU SMARTER!  Its no secret that I think cardio is important because I preach this all the time.  I also have consistently pushed the importance of steady state, endurance cardio over interval training and now I have an even greater reason to do so!  It has been known for quite a long time that exercise causes the creation of new neurons in the all important hippocampus area of the brain which is why exercise has been stressed for older people wanting to prevent a decline in mental capabilities with age. Research published in the Journal of Physiology this week   showed that in rats, steady state cardio produced far more new neurons than either interval training or resistance training.  In other words, endurance cardio is much better at preventing the loss of that grey matter between the ears than any other kind of exercise.

I have always felt that for me personally, endurance cardio was far more beneficial in a zillion ways than interval cardio and this gives me yet another big reason to love it. Most people dislike cardio and want it over with as soon as possible so the allure of 8 minute tabata workouts is great for them. I love the zen of losing myself in my thoughts during endurance cario, something simply not possible during intervals.

Yes, interval training has its place for those athletes who need to increase their sprinting speed but for those just interested in health and weight loss, its a risky proposition because of the injury potential.

Please see this article on interval training:



Why cycling is good for you...

Seven healthy reasons why cycling is good for you

It doesn’t matter what kind of bike you have sitting in your shed or your garage, dig it out! It doesn’t matter how long it is since you last rode it, dust it off! Give it a wipe down, check the brakes, the saddle, check the tyres for air and squirt a bit of oil on the chain. Don some padded shorts (you can put them under a pair of your favourite joggers if you’d prefer to keep them hidden) and you’re good to go. Here’s my top seven healthy reasons to get on your bike and pedal this year! Wait until you check out reason number seven…

1. It’s FUN!

This has to be top of my list for healthy reasons to cycle. There’s no better feeling than being outside in the fresh air, closer to nature, cycling downhill. Even the uphills can be fun after a bit of practise! Cycling makes you smile. Which makes you feel happy. Which releases endorphins! Which make you feel great!

2. It improves your sleep

Apparently, the type of physical activity you engage in can make a difference to how well you sleep. Cycling is up there with the best of the ones that you can do to help you to sleep soundly. So next time you’re thinking, ‘I’m too tired to ride‘, it might actually be just what your body needs to improve the quality of your sleep.

3. Non load bearing on your joints

Now, this is the whole reason I got into cycling in the first place. I have a really dodgy back so certain sports are out for me. But cycling is most definitely in! Cycling is a low impact form of exercise which places little stress and pressure on your joints, so it’s easier on your ankles, knees and back than activities like running and aerobics classes.

4. Stress busting

Making time to ride a bike when you’re in the middle of a stressful period of your life may be last on your list of priorities, but trust me, you won’t regret taking twenty minutes out and spending it on two wheels. Riding a bike can be good for your mind and your body – trust me, I know!

5. You’re saving the environment

The only fumes coming from your bike are ones whizzing off the endorphins you’re creating!  Fumes of happiness and enjoyment (and maybe a little bit of smugness).

6. Good cardio and fat burning exercise

It’s not exactly news when I tell you cycling is actually blummin’ good exercise. There’s no getting away from it. The amount of calories you burn per hour cycling far tops those burned doing lots of other aerobic exercise. It tones your legs; take it off road and it will tone your arms too. You’ll even notice your stomach tightening up. And perhaps most importantly, it’s good for your heart.

7. Cycling improves your sex life

Yep! Now, that’s got your attention right! Cycling improves your sex life. Apparently! Riding a bike makes you fit, it tones you up, you feel better about your body image. You’re less stressed, less tired and you feel happier. Boom! There you have it! You’re sexy and you know it!

So, there you go! Seven top healthy reasons to cycle. So, what are you waiting for? Go on! Off you go! Get yourself into the garage and dust off that bike. And get those cycling shorts out of the drawer and put them on. Just remember to leave the underwear off. All that seam rubbing and chafing is definitely not good for you! And won’t help with number seven.

Actually, in all honesty, you don’t really need padded shorts to enjoy cycling, although they’ll certainly make it a more comfortable experience. Whatever you choose to wear, just get out there and do it! Be happy!


·         cycling is fun, exercise, healthy reasons to cycle, improving sleep, reasons to cycle, riding a bike, stress,why cycling is good for you



CTC Undergoes Rebrand

Further to our extensive consultation last year with CTC members, member groups, partners and key stakeholders, I can confirm that our charity has a new name.



Why is Amina smiling?


Thank you to everyone who has already donated to our Times Christmas Appeal, which has so far raised an amazing £85,434. We're delighted that people took the time to read the ten articles about our work and that our work has resonated with so many.

 Here is the latest story featured in the Appeal: 
Amina has a new lease of like, thanks to her Re~Cycle bike


Amina Kasuim became a slave when she was ten. She was sent to work for her uncle's family farming, cooking and cleaning for them all day, every day, until she got married. As she stood in her uncle's fields hoeing, watering and weeding the crops she would watch enviously as local boys came along on their bikes. Amina always wanted a bike of her own but being a girl in rural Ghana meant this was disapproved of.
After four children and at age 54 she at last has her own bike and learnt how to ride and maintain it thanks to our project partners the Village Bicycle Project in Ghana. She said: "It was difficult but I made up my mind that I really wanted to learn" Amina explained that she often missed social occasions because she couldn't afford the bus fare but now she would be able to attend. 


Online and telephone donations for The Times appeal have now closed but you can still make a donation via our website.



BREAKING NEWS: Wiggle Set To Buy Chain Reaction Cycles !!

Wiggle set to acquire Chain Reaction Cycles

Wiggle is on the verge of absorbing its main retail rival Chain Reaction Cycles. It's said to be highly likely that the sale will go through next week, industry insiders told BikeBiz.

Founded in 1999 as an offshoot from Butlers Cycles, a Portsmouth bike shop, Wiggle grew and grew, and was sold to Bridgepoint Capital for £180m in 2011. 

Chain Reaction Cycles sprang from a small bike shop in the tiny town of Ballyclare in 1989. The shop is now a barber's shop, a very small barber's shop. This was the second shop. The first, started in 1984, was Ballynure Cycles, an even smaller operation. The business was founded by George and Janice Watson – their first sale was a chain link costing 11p. When, in 1998, the business moved to Ballyclare the decision was made to change the firm's name, and Chain Reaction Cycles was born. The website was launched the following year.

Almost 40 percent of CRC's sales come from outside the EU, as dealers in Australia and America know only too well. In October 2015 Wiggle reported an 11.5 percent rise in sales, with a turnover of £179m.

Wiggle and Chain Reaction have been fighting head to head for many years, with Wiggle moving ahead of Chain Reaction in 2013 when sales at the family-owned firm dropped six percent to £145m. The Watson family is said to have a personal fortune of £200m


BREAKING NEWS - Rampage Rider Kelly McGarry Dies

Queenstown emergency services were called to the mountain bike crash on the Ben Lomond Track above Queenstown at 4.14pm. Police said the call was to a report of a male having fallen from his bike and requiring urgent medical assistance.

St John Central Lakes territory manager Kelvin Perriman confirmed a man had died.