AirDonkey: introducing the Airbnb for bicycles

AirDonkey: introducing the Airbnb for bicycles

A Danish company hopes to capitalise on the boom in cycling by helping bicycle owners rent out their bikes to tourists. But will it work in Britain?

According to the old management maxim, "a camel is a horse designed by committee".

So what, you may ask, is a donkey? In the case of a new startup company that is quickly gaining attention online, the answer is: a cross between Airbnb and Uber (with, er, bikes thrown in.)

AirDonkey is the brainchild of Erdem Ovacik and Alexander Frederikse, two Danish friends who want to bring easily rentable bicycles to a city near you.

Their idea works much the same as Airbnb, the app that helps people to rent out their spare bedrooms to tourists visiting the city. Airbnb has proven to be hugely succesful, offering homeowners the chance to make some cash on the side while allowing visitors to find affordable accomodation - and Ovacik and Frederikse hope to emulate its success in the bicycle rental market.

AirDonkey's starter kit includes a placard that must be attached to the bike's handlebarsAirDonkey's starter kit includes a placard that must be attached to the bike's handlebars

Under the scheme, owners or spare of little-used bikes are encouraged to buy an AirDonkey 'starter kit' (RRP roughly €80), which buys them a specially designed electronic lock for their bicycle. They can then advertise the bike's availability and whereabouts on the associated app, allowing users to book the bicycle for a day or longer.

Once payment - normally set at around €10 per day - has been processed, the renter can lock and unlock the bicycle by the flick of a switch on their smartphone.

Ovacik and Frederikse say they have successfully tested the idea in Copenhagen with 150 bikes. Under the company name Donkey Republic, they are now trying to source investment to roll out the scheme worldwide.

A Kickstarter project established by the duo has currently raised kr129,139 (£12,467) of a kr250,000 goal (£24,131), with 31 days still to run before the deadline.

"Too many people only use their bike once in a while or has a spare bike for guests that is hardly ever used," said Ovacik. "We want to enable people to make money from their own bike, their spare bike and also give them the chance to start micro-businesses. 

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"This way they can co-create a better economy and experiences for both bike owners and bicycle users at the same time. The lock combined with the platform provides them with the opportunity to do all that".

AirDonkey is not the first bicycle rental app - Splinster, for example, operates in similar territory - but it differentiates itself from others by allowing the bikes to 'roam free', rather than forcing renters to return them to an exact location at the end of the day. Instead, renters on AirDonkey merely specify a geographical zone where the bike should be left once used.

A heavy duty locking mechanism may be required if AirDonkey is to work in Britain's hot-fingered cities

Herein lies AirDonkey's biggest obstacle to cracking the British market. Bike theft in Scandinavia and much of continental Europe is much lower in Britain, where we tend to spend more on first- and second-hand bikes. As a result, AirDonkey might struggle to attract bike owners who are willing to leave their bikes with only a basic wheel clamp as protection.

The company say they are working on a stronger lock that would allow users to attach the bicycle to a permanent object - but for now, it remains to be seen whether this donkey runs like a horse or a camel.

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Brixton Cycles becomes latest bike shop to hit crowd-funding target

UPDATE: It turns out that Brixton Cycles isn't the first bike shop to have hit a crowd funding target, with Roll for the Soul- a community bike cafe and workshop - having done the same.

London's oldest worker-owned bike cooperative has been saved by the crowd, after a £40K crowdfunding campaign hit its target in less than a week.

Brixton Cycles – named 'London's best small bike retailer' by the London Cycling Awards – officially launched its campaign on on Thursday evening (22 October) and hit its target just before 7pm last night, five days later.

The campaign's public launch was preceded by a private preview to the shop's nearest and dearest, on Wednesday 21st, which generated more than 25% of funds towards the crowdfunding total. The campaign now has a new target of £80,000 with 28 days left to go.

Brixton Cycles is fundraising to find a new home in Brixton, after discovering that the shop's current premises are to be demolished to make way for luxury flats in early 2016, as part of the gentrification of the area.

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what inspires you to keep riding through the dark winter evenings?

Do you hang up your wheels during the winter, or do you keep cycling whatever the weather? We asked readers on Facebook what motivates and inspires them to keep cycling through the winter. The replies are enough to make us want to get out on the bike right now. - 16 Top tips to keep YOU motivated and cycling through the winter 

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"very strong case for change" in way cycling death cases handled says ex-crown prosecution head

Former Director of Public Prosecutions, Sir Keir Starmer believes there is a "very strong case" for change in the way the cases involving the death of a cyclist are currently handled by the law. The former head of the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) believes decisions to prosecute cases in which a cyclist has been killed in a road traffic incident should be made by the CPS and not the police.

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Fox Buys Marzocchi… Well, Some Of It

Fox Factory Holding Corp has announced that they have purchased 'certain assets' of troubled mountain bike suspension company Marzocchi.


Although they have not said exactly what they are buying, Fox CEO Larry Enterline said, 'We are excited to announce the agreement to acquire certain assets of the Marzocchi mountain bike product lines, which we believe is a significant opportunity for Fox to further expand the penetration of our bike suspension products across more price points,'

Considering there really isn't any such thing as a cheap Fox fork it's fair to assume they are planning to use the Marzocchi brand at the cheaper end of the market.

In July we reported that Marzocchi's parent company, Tenneco was liquidating the Marzocchi business.. The MTB suspension arm of the company continued to exhibit at Eurobike in August despite the rest of the company being liquidated. The official line from the company was that they were still hopeful of a buyer for the MTB side of the company. Looks like that buyer was Fox.


Fox have said they will release more details about the purchase next month.

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Tour de France to return to Mont Ventoux in 2016

Froome on his way to victory on Mont Ventoux in 2013
The 2016 Tour de France is set to feature a summit finish on the Mont Ventoux, sometimes rated as the country's single most difficult climb. The race will apparently have a stage finish there on July 14th, France's national holiday.
According to French newspaper La Provence, a finish on the Ventoux will be included in the 2016 Tour route, for what would be the tenth arrival on the 'Bald Mountain' - it has crossed over the summit a further six times - in the race's history. The stage will apparently start, as it did when it finished on the Ventoux in 1965, in the city of Montpellier, with a victory for Raymond Poulidor. First tackled in a stage that crossed the Ventoux in 1951, the most recent ascent of the Ventoux was in 2013, with a win for Chris Froome (Team Sky), beating Nairo Quintana (Movistar Team) by 29 seconds, that effectively sealed his overall victory on that year's Tour de France. It is thought that the Tour will tackle the Ventoux on the most frequently used approach road, through the town of Bedoin at the foot of what is, when the Ventoux is tackled from that direction, a 21.8 kilometre ascent.
The following day's start is rumoured to be in the town of Bourg-Saint-Andeol, around 100 kilometres northwest of the Ventoux. The Tour would then possibly head towards the Alps and several stages in Switzerland for the remainder of the second and the whole of the third week before finishing on July 24th.
The entire Tour de France route will be revealed on October 20th in Paris. The only official data so far is that it begins in Mont-Saint-Michel on July 2nd, with two complete stages in Normandy, the first from Mont-Saint-Michel to Utah Beach, the second from Cherbourg to Octeville and the third starting in Granville.

Colombia team on the brink of closure due to funding problems

On the day Esteban Chaves looked set to win the Abu Dhabi Tour and confirm his place in a growing generation of talented riders, Colombia – the team that helped him turn professional in 2012 - is on the brink of closure to due a lack of funding from the Colombian Ministry of Sport.

Team Colombia out training

The Colombia team has raced as a Professional Continental outfit since 2012 under the guidance of experienced Italian team manager Claudio Corti. The team is in action in both Italy and Abu Dhabi as the season ends but the GP Beghelli and the Abu Dhabi Tour could be the team’s final races.

Corti has worked to keep the team afloat despite delays in sponsorship payments from Colombia but has revealed he will pull the plug on the team if funding is not confirmed and guaranteed for 2016.
“I think it’s very difficult that the team will continue, I’ll make a final decision at the start of the week,” Corti told Cyclingnews.
“I’m waiting for a final decision from the Minister for Sport but the Colombian government does not have the same finances available to invest in the sport and especially in the team for 2016. They’re also preparing for the Rio Olympics and building new stadiums, so there’s less for the team. However I can’t continue to run the team with any less than we do now.”
“We’ve had a good relationship over the years and if a Colombian sponsor came along it would be great but I’m not optimistic. I’ve registered the team for 2016 with the UCI but its time to arrange the bank guarantee and confirm the funding otherwise I’ll have to make a final decision. I don’t want to the doubts to drag on.”
The Colombia team has ridden a European programme since 2012, helping Colombian riders like Chaves, Fabio Duarte, John Atapuma and Jarlinson Pantano develop and join bigger teams. The team has been invited to several Grand Tours. It was overlooked for a place in this year’s Giro d’Italia but rode the Vuelta a Espana. The success of Nairo Quintana, Rigoberto Uran and now Esteban Chaves has highlighted the potential of Colombian riders but also stolen the spotlight from the Colombia team.
Corti seemed ready to take a sabbatical from the sport, in the hope of making a return in 2017.
“I’ll perhaps have a year out, find a bigger sponsor in Europe or the Colombians will come back in the future,” he said.
“It’s not a problem for me, I’ve been in the pro peloton for 37 years as a manager and directeur sportif. Before that I raced for 12 years. I’ve had to start all over again in the past and will do it in the future.”
“It’ll be a pity if the team ends because it represents Colombia. So many people think Colombia is just drugs and war but that’s not true. We showed that Colombia can be present at the highest level of sport. It was a way to promote the country, develop young riders, show that Colombia is a modern country and reach out to the many Colombian people who live all over the world

Titanium bikes are becoming more and more popular. With this in mind we tested Vaaru's race focused Octane 6-4. Here are our thoughts

Vaaru Octane 6-4 featured image

Overall rating:


Vaaru Octane 6-4


  • Top quality titanium frame
  • Comfortable
  • Stiff


  • One-piece carbon bars
  • No internal cabling option
  • Price


Vaaru Octane 6-4


Price as reviewed:


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Andrea Guardini (Astana)
Andrea Guardini (Astana) won the opening stage of the Abu Dhabi Tour, after it was shortened due to the heat. Guardini was forced to jump around a slowing Peter Sagan (Tinkoff-Saxo) but still had the legs to beat Tom Boonen (Etixx-QuickStep) Sagan's teammate Daniele Bennati.
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